SANDOWN HALL, Nether Alderley



Biological Diversity Experts 'Biota' carried out an ecological survey on 21st August and 15th September 2003 using standard JNCC methodology. The report contained a Phase 1 Habitat Survey and Protected Species Survey for Badgers, Bats, Water Voles and Great Crested Newts. Refer to Appendix for a full copy of the report.

The Protected Species Report reveals the following:

Water Vole - No signs of water vole were found along the dry ditch.

- There was evidence of some badger usage on the site but no setts were located within the sites or within 30 metres of the site perimeter.

Great Crested Newt - The pond on the site was dry at the time of survey and access to adjacent ponds (outside of the survey area) was not possible. A single great crested newt was found on two occasions in the pond on the site in 2002. This pond is now dry and is therefore not considered as suitable great crested newt habitat.

Barn Owl - There was no evidence of barn owls using the barn on site for breeding or roosting purposes.

Bats - During the daytime survey no signs of bats were found around the building, i.e. feeding remains, droppings. The site was visited on the night of 15th September 2003, with bat detectors to locate bats emerging from the building and the trees located on the site. No bats were located emerging from the buildings, however some Pipistrelle bats were located foraging around the dead trees.

The report summises:

"The development proposed on the site will have minimal impact on protected species. The site is of little nature conservation value in the local context. Landscaping associated with the development of the site, coupled with the retention and enhancement of the boundary hedges would have a beneficial effect on the nature conservation value."


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