December 2002:


The following Report was issued on behalf of the School by the Derek Hicks & Thew Partnership, architects:

Phase One:

The conversion of the existing library in the new sixth form common room and study areas has now been completed with the areas being fully occupied by both upper and lower sixth in early December. The common room provides an open plan area complete with high ceilings following the exposing of the existing trusses and removal of the existing ceilings. The Study areas extending Old Blues Library have been fitted with individual study areas and additional shelving storage along with complete new lighting, heating and new internal finishes. The sixth form areas also contain their own sanitary accommodation, staff offices and kitchen facilities all upon the single floor. Extension to sixth form areas to provide additional resources will occur in phase 3 of the development.

Sixth Form Centre Completion
December 2002:

Sixth Form Common Room (left)

continued ...

© Derek Hicks & Thew
Partnership 2002

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