Following the School's decision to remain on the Wavertree site, four applications have now been submitted - three for listed building consent and one for planning permission - to refurbish, convert and extend the existing buildings:
Ref. 01L/1681: To carry out alterations/refurbishments to East wing (Church Road frontage) and Chapel, including alterations to accesses and parking areas.
Ref. 01L/1682: To carry out alterations/refurbishments to South wing and part of West wing including demolition of buildings, conversion to residential use, landscaping, new courtyard landscaping including garden building, revised car parking arrangements, and to erect a new three-storey residential block.
Ref. 01L/1683: To carry out alterations/refurbishments to Central, North and part of West wings, including the demolition of earlier extensions, in connection with the erection of new school buildings.
Ref. 01F/1743: To alter/refurbish and extend school premises (including partial demolition) and use South wing, part of West wing, and new three-storey extension for residential purposes; use the East wing and Chapel as offices, function suite and exhibition centre; use Central, North, part of West wing and new two-storey extension as a school; create new accesses and lay out car park and playground areas.
The plans are available for inspection in the Reception area of Liverpool City Council's offices:
Millennium House, 60 Victoria Street, Liverpool L1 6JF.
Any comments should be sent to the Head of Planning & Building Control, 2nd floor, Millennium House, by 3rd September 2001.
The proposals are described in the Wavertree Society's Newsletter 137. The Society's Executive Committee has not yet studied the plans in detail, but will do so at its next meeting and will forward its comments to the City Council. Further details will be posted on this website when available.