Olive Mount Redevelopment:

February 2003 (continued)


The agent and highway consultant have provided the following information with regard to traffic issues:

  • There are currently 194 flats on the site and the school building accommodated 300 pupils. This was calculated to produce 101 vehicles in the morning peak (8-9am), and 41 vehicles in the evening peak (5-6pm). In addition when the school was operating there was also an afternoon peak at 3-4pm.

  • The proposal constitutes 249 dwellings of which 67 are patio bungalow and sheltered flats, the occupants of which have a low level of car use.

  • The proposal is calculated to generate 71 vehicles per hour in the morning peak (30 less than the site with the tower blocks and school in use), and 80 vehicles per hour in the evening peak (39 more than previously).

  • Rat running through the site and on Thingwall Road will be discouraged by a proposed 20mph speed limit, traffic calming on all new and existing roads within the site and the new roundabout access on Thingwall Road.

The above figures show that during the morning peak (when queuing at Mill Lane and Thingwall Road is worst), the proposed scheme will generate less car journeys than the site would with the school operational and the tower blocks fully occupied. The evening peak in traffic level is higher than the previous evening peak, but is not considered by the Highways Division to have a significant impact on the local highway network.

It is considered that the proposals can be accommodated without compromising the safety of the highway system or use of the surrounding roads by buses. Proposed conditions will ensure that the required improvements to the surrounding highway are earned out before the relevant dwellings are occupied, safe traffic calming facilities are provided on existing and new roads within the site and that proposed alterations to bus facilities at Lake Road are agreed and implemented in consultation with Merseytravel.

The Planning Manager is therefore satisfied that new and existing highways will not be adversely affected by the development and the proposal accords with UDP Polices T12, T15 and SPG8.

continued . . .

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