March 2003:


The following Report was issued on behalf of the School by the Derek Hicks & Thew Partnership, architects:

Phase Two:

The last month has seen a great deal of activity on site with some important milestones being reached. The completion of the steel frame finally linked the new and existing building together and all the steelwork for the new walkways to the north wing has been installed. The completion of the ground floor slab to the sports hall also completed the ground floor construction. All of the main roof elements have now been completed and the installation of the windows to the science wing has now commenced. The copper cladding to the science wing has now been installed and completed to the entire Prince Alfred Road elevation and the installation of the copper is now occurring in the internal courtyard. Works upon the new entrance at Church Road have now included the roof construction and the full scale and design of the entrance block is beginning to reveal itself. This element now requires the large glass elements to be installed which will be undertaken by robots from ground level due to their physical size. Internally to the school the mechanical and electrical installations are taking place along with the plastering of the walls in the science wing.

In addition to the works on site the school have been involved with the design team on the internal finishes and the selection of the school colour scheme. The new furniture for the science areas has been constructed and is ready for installation, along with the new sports equipment to the school hall. Externally the landscaping scheme has been designed and agreed with 42 new trees to be planted to replace those felled to make way for the new building.

Development Photographs
March 2003

New Copper Elevations (left)

North Elevation (below left)

NW Corner (below)

© Derek Hicks & Thew
Partnership 2003

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