April 2002:


Report B3 to the meeting of
Liverpool City Council's Planning Committee
held on 23rd April 2002:

Ward:  Church

Site:    The Blue Coat School, Church Road, Liverpool, L15

Proposal:  To carry out alterations/refurbishment to central, north, and part of west wings (including demolition of earlier extensions) in connection with erection of new school buildings (alternative to application 01L/1683)

Applicant:  The School Board of Governors

Application No:  02L/0295

Case File:  01508

D. C. Team:  City South


APPROVE Subject to the Secretary of State not wishing to intervene

Case Officer Report

1  The proposal is to erect new school buildings, lay out car parking areas and playground, alter vehicular and pedestrian accesses and carry out alterations and refurbishment to the central, north, and part of the west wings (including demolition of earlier extensions) as an alternative to previously granted planning permission (01F/1743) and listed building consent (01L/1683).

2  Blue Coat School is a Grade II* listed brick and sandstone school building with an attached Grade II* listed chapel, situated between Church Road and Prince Alfred Road in Wavertree Village Conservation Area. To the north of the site is Holy Trinity Church, which is listed Grade II*; to the east is housing fronting on to Church Road; to the south are club premises and residential properties and to the west is Wavertree Playground.

3  The proposal has been amended from the previous approvals to improve the circulation of pupils around the school, provide for the proposed intake of female students and make external materials less susceptible to vandalism and weathering. The main change involves swapping the positions of the new class room wing and sports hall so that the sports hall is now on the Church Road frontage and the class room wing behind this, overlooking Wavertree Playground. The footprint of the new building is very similar to that previously approved. Twenty-six trees are proposed to be felled in the centre of the site and along the northern boundary.

continued ...

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