29. A number of conditions had been suggested by the Council, and these were subject to detailed discussion and in some instances alteration at the inquiry. The appellant also tabled a Unilateral Undertaking which would afford public access to the rebuilt Sandown Hall. However, and whilst acknowledging that the Unilateral Undertaking would be a generous gesture, I do not consider that either this or any conditions would render the appeal proposal acceptable.
30. In many respects, I consider the appeal application to be finally balanced. It would bring back to life a building of acknowledged architectural and historical importance, and as such it might well accord with the spirit of Local Plan Policy BE1. Nevertheless, for the above reasons I conclude that there are no very special circumstances to support the rebuilding of Sandown Hall within the Green Belt. Such development would be harmful to the openness of the Green Belt, and contrary to the Council's objective of restricting the supply of housing within Macclesfield Borough.
31. The appellant has drawn attention to the fact that the SPG pre-dates PPS7 and in particular paragraph 11. However, I do not consider that this fundamentally weakens the document, nor, in the light of the above conclusions, does it have any meaningful implications for this appeal. Both the SPG and the development plan could be suitably revised when next reviewed. I have taken into consideration all other matters raised, including other appeal decisions, the widespread support for the appeal proposal, and the distribution of halls, historic structures and other large building complexes within the Macclesfield area. However, nothing persuades me from my conclusions with regard to the main issues.
Formal Decision
32. I dismiss the appeal.
(Signed) Roger P Brown
The Planning Inspectorate
4/09 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay
Bristol BS1 6PN
[Decision letter transcribed by Mike Chitty of the Wavertree Society, November 2004. E. & O. E.]