Date: 10 Nov 2004
by Roger P Brown DipArch DipTP ARIBA MRTPI
an Inspector appointed by the First Secretary of State
Inquiry held on Tuesday 26 October 2004
Site visit made on Tuesday 26 October 2004
Appeal Ref: APP/C0630/A/04/1143448
SK10 4TB
The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission.
The appeal is made by Mr D Stagg against the decision of Macclesfield Borough Council. · The application Ref 03/3190P, dated 24 November 2003, was refused by notice dated 7 January 2004.
The development proposed is the reconstruction of a former Grade II listed villa, outbuildings, access and landscaping.
Summary of Decision: The appeal is dismissed.
Procedural Matters
1. Whilst the site visit took place on Tuesday 26 October, the inquiry concluded on Wednesday 27 October 2004.
Main Issues
2. The appellant is seeking to rebuild Sandown Hall (a former Grade II listed villa) within open countryside which is within the North Cheshire Green Belt. Both national guidance and development plan Policies seek to restrict development in such a location. In addition, due to a potential over supply, Macclesfield Borough Council is seeking to regulate housing development. Consequently the main issues are:
a) whether there are very special circumstances to justify development in the Green Belt,
b) the impact on the openness of the Green Belt and,
c) the impact of the proposed dwelling on the supply of housing within the Borough.
Planning Policy
3. The development plan includes the Cheshire 2011 Replacement Structure Plan, the Macclesfield Borough Local Plan (Alterations adopted 8 January 2004), and RPG13 -Regional Planning Guidance for the North West. At the inquiry, it was agreed that the following Policies are pertinent to this appeal.
4. Within the Structure Plan, GEN2 and GEN3 identify areas of Green Belt, and establish general requirements for the quality of new development, respectively. HOU1 establishes housing provision for the period 1996/2011, whilst HOU2 provides further guidance regarding the location of housing development.