SANDOWN HALL, Nether Alderley


The following features characterise the wider semi-rural landscape:

Field and boundary trees + hedgerows: Tree species include Oak and Ash and hedgerows are mixed hawthorn. Trees and hedgerows have been lost due to increasing field sizes. Where no hedgerows exist post and wire form the field boundary.

Woodland: The surrounding woodland belts consist of Oak and mixed broadleaf species and compartmentalise an area within which the site is located. Tree cover within this area is poor when compared to the adjacent areas beyond which contain large woodland blocks and belts. Other stands of trees are concentrated within the parkland of Alderley Park.

Buildings: The nearest properties are farming residences with associate outbuildings. The Heawood Hall enclave with associated Barns and outbuildings, is the nearest Listed Building (approximately 500m from the site). On the other side of the A34 is a garden centre with nursery, a roadside restaurant and Alderley Park, formerly a Deer Park and now a business complex.

Extraction Pits: Large extraction pits with associated ponds. The woodland belt to the south of the site also contains ponds.

Roads and Tracks: The A34 is a heavily trafficked north-south destination route linking major towns and cities. The Chelford Road (A537) is a main east-west route with links to the motorway network. All other roads and tracks are minor routes leading to end destinations.

Draft Route of Alderley Bypass: Currently in consultation phase with implementation expected over the next few years.

Public Footpath: Footpaths run parallel to the north-east and north-west boundaries of the site.

Electric Pylons + Line: Pylons approximately 350m apart supporting high voltage electricity cables.

Site Boundary: Extent of application site

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